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Showing posts from March, 2012

aspiration and responsibility

to aspire for acceptance as an equal amongst those one respects (for whatever specific values/skills/knowledge/perception) is to commit to work hard in that sphere to achieve being accepted as equal is to commit to work harder, it is a responsibility!

Drop Outs

people who drop out of any programme are indicators of its irrelevance, to coerce them to continue is to stifle their choice, to concentrate on the act of 'drop out' is to look wrong side of the issue, to review the relevance of the programme is the honest way forward.

on limitations...

understanding ones' limitations is the beginning of knowledge, accepting it is beginning of wisdom. understanding others' limitation is the beginning of a relationship, accepting it is the forever bonding of the same.

did you know?

how does someone feel the thought of someone else close to them? how do we manifest the presence of someone not here at a moment's intensity? we do. but, can we explain it?

keeping things in order...

sometimes you are a bit lazy and don't keep things in the order they ought to be, you come back and do it later. when working as a team, sometimes others too feel a bit lazy and don't keep things in order they ought to be, maybe, they meant to comeback and place things in order. if you are around and can help by putting things in order, you do. it doesn't make you any better nor the other any worse. its just human.

solution providers...

'solution providers' to social problem often are conscientious consumers that are trying to justify their consumption by 'solving' a problem they didn't create. easier is to stop being the problem, become a producer rather than a consumer. 

being sensitive and responsible...

occurred in a classroom talk recently - "if we grow in sensitivity, we become compassionate, if we grow in responsibility, we gain in ethical behaviour...the small learning environment that provides for developing sensitivity and responsibility, contributes towards developing a more compassionate and ethical larger environment, both in short supply just now!"