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Showing posts from May, 2012

absolutes and relative...

human obsession seems to be to define the absolute in relative terms and most relative in absolute terms...time and space are far too relative, we are as close to someone as we feel or as far away, we can be here or many years before or after in our minds...the physical space and physical present time is a small dimension which defies defining the whole. it is highly relative. love is absolute in its capacity to bond, heal, change...yet we prefer to call it relative?!

how do you take praise?

an old technique when being praised in public i have found to be useful - start to think of all those whom one has admired, been inspired by and have shaped ones thought and actions...any praise to the self is a moment of gratitude to all such souls, a moment to say 'thank you', not to those who praise, but, to those who contributed to the reason for which one is praised. 

greed and suspicion

greed is wanting more of everything, suspicion is thinking everyone else wants to grab all that one has. they seem to occur in the same persons all the time - turn it from in to out - it is greed, from out to in, it is suspicion...greed is also selfish while suspicion can occur in self-pity or obsession...both as self-centric and represent a sense of inadequacy in a person. contentment and sharing is the other side of greed and suspicion. contentment and sharing happens when the person finds a adequacy in oneself...

know, say, be...

knowing the million reasons for a child's smile (or cry) may not stop one from enjoying the smile...relish the moment, but, to listen to a few reasons at the same time can deprive the moment of the times knowledge is an impediment that deprives life's magical moments of its very aura. knowledge articulation ought to make way in such moments with reverence to silence.

touching earth...

touching earth, observing, feeling what goes above and beneath the soil, feeling the raw soil and feeling its life and energy is a sure way of understanding life and all the wisdom that is required for life on earth. 

practice, patience and perseverance has a chance

it is possible to win over the mediocre, insensitive and corrupt by sheer practice of excellence, patiently and persistently. it may not always be a visible change, however, change definitely does happen and can only be sustained by practicing excellence as a discipline, as a meditation and way of life. while material excellence often spreads rapidly through force, human excellence spreads gently. Compassion is the key.

sanity and humility in activist life!

ban something or other, protest against something or other, sign a petition to stop something, stand in solidarity for someone or some group, attend meetings to show protest, sit for a fast for a few days/hours, make a contribution to save some one or the voices of human conscience grows against what is perpetrated as common human aspiration by a few, a new form of aspiration is being articulated, if the language is negative today, it is so because it is still weak, couched as it remains in the reactionary idiom of a generation that only saw changes made through violent, centrally driven, power mongering methods. by and by this will make way to a newer language of positive energy, powerful articulation, constructive work, celebration of diversity, perpetuation of peace...the language will be the revival of the original human aspiration of co-existence. we ought to find that in the crowd of the prevailing negatives to retain our sanity and humility.

space and time for children's growth...

materials can't make space, yet, in the absence of space for children, we crowd them with materials consumption can't make up for time, but, we surround our children with consumables for lack of quality time we ought to give them the absence of space results in fear of the unknown the presence of materials, in possessiveness the absence of love time, results in carelessness and increased consumption, the beginning of illness security, spirituality, quality and well being are today obsessively sought by yesterday's children who didn't get space and time to address their fear, greed, lack of care and love and ailments of one kind or another. 

in a public forum: 'suitably low quality' said the speaker...

in a public meeting, the good samaritan, with all well meaning intentions was talking about avoiding plastic bags,  he went on to add, 'we need to replace them with some suitable low quality cloth bags'! got me thinking, why do we say such things in public? should plastic be replaced by 'suitable low quality'? he probably meant price, but, why did he use the word 'quality' and 'price' synonymously? doesn't it represent a deep rooted problem. and why should such things be stated in a public podium? should on challenge it at that time? 

can growth and learning be remote controlled?

"i want to run a school, remote control it, while i travel around the world", said a good friend in a conversation. i wonder is it possible? how do 'you' run a school if it is remote, how can it be 'yours' then? and why 'school'? one can remote manage a machine. learning, like growing a plant or cooking or caring or loving is a process in which you need to be there to claim ownership. 

'corporatized' communication

every communication is not a contest of minds,  every sentence needn't be a show off of wordsmithy,  each transaction need not be treated as a performance nor its after thought as a performance review, trees and plants and roots and shoots live looking their organic space, not competitive market, and they express life as well.  flowers bloom to their capacity and as the epitome of beauty! 

'inspirable' and not 'replicable'...

it will be characterless world that is filled with human endeavours that are all 'replicated' from the same model. somehow, those who would rather not 'replicate' someone else and pride themselves of their uniqueness, prescribe, 'replicable' model to the poor and seek such feature in social projects.  it is demeaning to the human intelligence that nature has bestowed on all humans that are born to ask them to 'replicate' someone. human hearts are capable of being inspired by hardwork, enterprise, knowledge or valour and capable of adapting the same in its own way, such adaptation leads to strength while mindless replication leads to dependency and weakness.  to replicate is to shrink and inhuman, to be inspired and act on the inspiration is strengthening and healthy. it is better to use the word 'inspirable' rather than 'replicable'.