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Showing posts from September, 2013

whom will you vote for in 2014 elections?

i am not inclined to vote either of the national parties (or their allies), they both don't impress me enough i suspect both will commit the same mistakes and end up using similar tactics but, one trend i don't want to encourage and definitely will ensure i don't do is - NOT TO VOTE THE LOCAL GOON!

crowded times and...old habits!

crowded times - much activity all around, intense discussions,  imminent decisions, immense possibilities,  amazing opportunities, large impact potential and increased responsibility. however, growing up to these  is a struggle  against persistent self and its  old habits! to kill the habit is to destroy a self that created the crowded times. to not overcome is to revert to a beginning  that exists no longer struggle to re-discover the self without destructing that which it created itself of and yet unknown to self! faith!

change and permanence..

from i have to change to i am changing to i have changed is a status shout however, if i had some permanence in me and couldn't change whatever it is that i wanted to do i 'change' the need to change? if i don't see a need to change does it make me obscure sure?  how about permanence? if that which changes can't be changed, and i don't resist nor bother comprehend does it mean i don't change? to stay as something that  does not change and remain in that despite change neither through resist nor through effort but, by just 'being'  what is the need to change? time is relative, so is space longer and farther  don't often change  that which is closer than the next moment inside and around perhaps in seeking change we secure our mortality deeply embed ourselves  in our 'limited' self?