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Showing posts from August, 2014

Satya yuga...

When you look at how difficult it is for very talented people to coexist and work together, you realise how Satya Yuga would have degenerated,  it can't come easily for humans to sustain.. You recognise why Adam was an idiot in Eden, he would have left the place otherwise.

poignant moments....

someone passes away with dialogues un-finished. reminds of all other bonds and dialogues  - paused by distances, momentary strains, artificial busy-ness, situations changes - all of which look rather long. life leaves bodies we bond as we await our turn, we part in sequence we pause in ignorance! poignant moments...

Codge Science

Co rporate d riven g reed Science Definition: Technical 'solutions' that are bandied as Science and quickly cobbled together in a bid to create a myth of providing benefits to a large population, but, primarily 'researched', 'patented' and promoted by a corporate (or many corporates) driven by greed to make a profit for not a reasonable length of time (years) before the same is 'proven' as not friendly to humans and a new 'solution' is similarly cobbled.  Risk: Dependent on power, access to power, corrupt-able nature of power and centralized power. Powerlessness, not having access to power, high integrity among those in power (particularly in political power) and de-centralized power is a huge risk for Codge Science and is countered with aided programmes, public relation campaigns, advertisements, paid media, brokers and sponsored research institutions.  Duration of Life: Self-perpetuating, believes it is immortal.


Power concentration is at the cost of trust. The people with more power in government seem so less capable of trusting anyone. Indeed it looks like not to trust anyone is part of the training for getting into power position. Another reason for decentralisation, if concentration of power was more widely spread and far less centralised, there will less reasons to feel threatened or insecure and more  reasons to trust others. Human inability to trust other humans hits at the very foundation of idea of civilisation.