Co rporate d riven g reed Science Definition: Technical 'solutions' that are bandied as Science and quickly cobbled together in a bid to create a myth of providing benefits to a large population, but, primarily 'researched', 'patented' and promoted by a corporate (or many corporates) driven by greed to make a profit for not a reasonable length of time (years) before the same is 'proven' as not friendly to humans and a new 'solution' is similarly cobbled. Risk: Dependent on power, access to power, corrupt-able nature of power and centralized power. Powerlessness, not having access to power, high integrity among those in power (particularly in political power) and de-centralized power is a huge risk for Codge Science and is countered with aided programmes, public relation campaigns, advertisements, paid media, brokers and sponsored research institutions. Duration of Life: Self-perpetuating, believes it is immortal.