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Showing posts from October, 2012


some times we meet people for the first time and continue a conversation, it is a continuation of a conversation that we have had already with ourselves at different times in different situations...when few people meet who have all had similar conversations with themselves, particularly of a higher order of truth, then, their meetings become a satsangha...

what makes men great?

1. conviction of the power of goodness 2. absence of jealousy and suspicion 3. helping all those who are trying to do good and be good... often it looks like these co-relate to the modern obsession with vision - mission - strategy.  modern corporate is caught in a vision statement making where the vision statements are never an articulation of conviction rather a assertion of self-value, which is not the same as having conviction. mission is always an action value, however, to state what one will not do makes more sense than what one may. strategy has always been used in the competitive term, thereby depriving it of its possible higher humanist dimension - 'helping all those...' seems such a simplistic yet one of the toughest strategies to adopt. at the corporate level if it was interpreted as, 'helping all those who are trying to do and be good to humanity through selling / servicing /...' it would place the value of goodness of the customer above ...


...another day with ideas and people. "we are used to speed", states a friend, giving the universal value-obse ssion that has resulted in most problems of today...ho w to overcome the obsession, how do we s-l-o-w down to raise consciousn ess, how do we stop and observe to move forward? and how do we make these non-negoti ables?