Violence as an act to ward off threat and survive is fundamental to all organisms. From the smallest to the larger ones, humans are no exemption. Threats are conflicting interests that protect organisational boundaries... The sperm for instance has to cross several difficult boundaries, sometimes violently, to reach the egg and fuse. Both are protecting, a million sperms result in a 1 eventually fusing, but it is the way nature built organisational boundaries to ensure longevity for all, and, there is no success or failure. All are doing their duty to eventually arrive at a new beginning, but each has to perform its bit. But humans changed the purpose of violence, we used it as tools for creating and safe guarding economy, power, wealth and identity . As long as these economies, power, wealth and identity remained within the bounds of a region or were not further strengthened with technology, their capacity to destroy through violence remained limited. Once they got strengt...