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Give me some comment on Violence & Climate Change - asked a friend...

Violence as an act to ward off threat and survive is fundamental to all organisms. From the smallest to the larger ones, humans are no exemption. Threats are conflicting interests that protect organisational boundaries... The sperm for instance has to cross several difficult boundaries, sometimes violently, to reach the egg and fuse. Both are protecting, a million sperms result in a 1 eventually fusing, but it is the way nature built organisational boundaries to ensure longevity for all, and, there is no success or failure. All are doing their duty to eventually arrive at a new beginning, but each has to perform its bit.

But humans changed the purpose of violence, we used it as tools for creating and safe guarding economy, power, wealth and identity. As long as these economies, power, wealth and identity remained within the bounds of a region or were not further strengthened with technology, their capacity to destroy through violence remained limited.

Once they got strengthened with violent technologies and global aspirations, the impact of even small intent of violence can impact large parts and numbers in earth. Climate change is the accumulation of 500 years of such technologies and aspirations



Buddha Poornima Meditations, 2015

"May kindly spirits bring the rains on time, For harvests to be rich and plentiful. May princes rule according to the Dharma; May the world be blessed with all prosperity. May medicines be full of strength; May secret words of power be chanted with success. May spirits o the air that feed on flesh Be kind, their minds imbued with pity. May beings never suffer anguish Let them not be sick nor evilly behave. May they have no fear, nor suffer insults. Always may their minds be free from sorrow. In monasteries, temples, and the like, May reading and reciting widely flourish. May harmony prevail among the Sangha; May its purposes be all fulfilled. ... May those who break their discipline repent, And always may they strive to cleanse away their faults, And thus may they acquire a fortunate rebirth, Wherein to practice stainless discipline. May wise and learned being be revered, And always be sustained by alms. May they be pure in mind, And may their fame spread far and wi...