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enslavement to the 'monthly bill'!!

what do all the busy people work for?

i often wonder and most time the answer is to pay the "monthly bill" or EMI. most earning people feel a sense of accomplishment paying their bills i suppose. having not worked 'in employment' for most part of my life now, i don't understand the need to work for the dreaded monthly bill. it seems to squatting in a space otherwise one should have towards ones goals in life.

did people ever live without paying a "monthly bill"?

i think so. in villages when they didn't have electricity most people must have been living in their houses drinking water from their wells and growing food from their backyard, there is no EMI if you don't have a loan, there are no electricity bills and because there is no electricity, there is no television either and no need to pay its monthly bill. no schools around and no need pay all those education - enslavement fees each month. if one doesn't have a phone, one more bill down. ideal, isint it?

but, most people these days earn enough to pay the monthly bill by wednesday morning!

that is true, but it is also true that they can't stop work by wednesday afternoon and they need to go ahead and continue to work for the rest of the month so as to sustain their jobs. most often than not the money they make which they don't really need has become a problem rather than a strength to the world.

but, this 'excess money' is needed, right?

the excess money is justified - for human beings always justify their weaknesses well - in the name of security or talent or need for opulence.  come to think of it, if you are talented really and can earn a living any time, you obviously need to be working on your own and working much lesser. any intelligent person can figure out that future security cannot be secured through money and need for opulence is rather silly in the first place.

so what are the 'problem' with this extra money?

most people earn the extra income that they don't need and after due justification to themselves that smacks at their own intelligence, are "investing" this money in agriculture land converted to housing plots. all over India along the national highways productive agriculture lands have been rendered useless by the greedy people, who don't have a sense of what they are doing with the extra money that they don't need in the first place. most of them spend the money paying the "monthly bill" and then add "monthly investment bill" to justify earning more. they may even get offended if called 'greedy', but, think of it, that is what it is, if someone calls productive land going out of production as investment! this erodes the food security and provides an idea of 'financial investment security'. much effort is made by real estate agents to ensure a bubble of artificial ever increasing value on this land is sustained, while that defies logic and definitely common sense. but, greed blinds common sense and discrimination power ("kamat...buddhi naasanam", says the Bhagavat Gita, 2.62,63).

but the EMIs are commitments, we need to pay them!

EMIs are the biggest man discovered slavery devices. it enslaves people into working through the month for the sake of the payment at the end of the month. most people are busy losing their lives for paying their EMIs to have that one house, one holiday, one time world tour, one big car, one big farm house and live that one dream once while they lose the opportunity to live it every day if they stop the enslavement.

but, what about the children, it is the parental duty to ensure that the children are given the 'best' of the world.

the biggest pride and confidence we can give our children is that we were free and not slaves. to give that pride and confidence to the next generation is to also give them the strength to make life interesting and sustainable without having to be slaved. also the fact remains that most people don't know what is best in the world as they are too busy working through the month. so they end up depending on others' judgement of what is 'best' for their children! such a silly idea to be dependent on someone that you are earning all your month to deliver to your child!! what suffering.

so, what is this "monthly bill" ramble about?

well, felt like writing. saw someone grumble about the 'monthly bill', and realized that the lesser monthly bills you have the more freedom you possess!! 



Buddha Poornima Meditations, 2015

"May kindly spirits bring the rains on time, For harvests to be rich and plentiful. May princes rule according to the Dharma; May the world be blessed with all prosperity. May medicines be full of strength; May secret words of power be chanted with success. May spirits o the air that feed on flesh Be kind, their minds imbued with pity. May beings never suffer anguish Let them not be sick nor evilly behave. May they have no fear, nor suffer insults. Always may their minds be free from sorrow. In monasteries, temples, and the like, May reading and reciting widely flourish. May harmony prevail among the Sangha; May its purposes be all fulfilled. ... May those who break their discipline repent, And always may they strive to cleanse away their faults, And thus may they acquire a fortunate rebirth, Wherein to practice stainless discipline. May wise and learned being be revered, And always be sustained by alms. May they be pure in mind, And may their fame spread far and wi...