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no record of a reflective month...

month of many presentation,
sharing of thoughts,
'inspiring' said someone, 'thank you' bowed another,
'give us more of the "wow" moments' said an elderly one.

deep reflection amidst excessive action,
i haven't recorded many of these...

looking deeply into the eyes of a very elderly person
sharing the idea and sincerity, looking the eyes brighten up with hope,
looking into the eyes of an academician sharing new form of learning
watch the excitement grow and sparkle in creative energy,
looking into the eyes of the young and confused
the first dawn of semblance of confidence,
looking at the eyes of a curious visitor and watch the curiosity
grow into interest and deepen into conviction and the struggle the person,
has to go through to sustain the dis-interest and detachment,
looking into the shifting eyes of a friend, as they try to avoid contact
in wantonly misinterpreting what is stated...

observing eyes as i hold conversations these last weeks, many learnings
observing eyes are the best lessons in human mind



Buddha Poornima Meditations, 2015

"May kindly spirits bring the rains on time, For harvests to be rich and plentiful. May princes rule according to the Dharma; May the world be blessed with all prosperity. May medicines be full of strength; May secret words of power be chanted with success. May spirits o the air that feed on flesh Be kind, their minds imbued with pity. May beings never suffer anguish Let them not be sick nor evilly behave. May they have no fear, nor suffer insults. Always may their minds be free from sorrow. In monasteries, temples, and the like, May reading and reciting widely flourish. May harmony prevail among the Sangha; May its purposes be all fulfilled. ... May those who break their discipline repent, And always may they strive to cleanse away their faults, And thus may they acquire a fortunate rebirth, Wherein to practice stainless discipline. May wise and learned being be revered, And always be sustained by alms. May they be pure in mind, And may their fame spread far and wi...